“You’re not good enough.”
It’s at the root of every lie every bully whispers to us. Shoot, its the lie we whisper to ourselves in our darkest moments, so It’s a not a shock that so many women live their life with the constant refrain of “what is enough?”.
Growing up in Monmouth County enough turned into cheerleading, dancing, and night after night bouncing to electronic dance music. When I was moving I was more than enough, I was truly alive.
But at some point, life takes you off of the dance floor and the soundtrack changes from the beats of high school to the cadence of an office. At least until you decide to flip the music and the fun back on.
The fun for me showed up with my first leap on a bungee.
Bungee you ask?
Yes, I mean strapping yourself into a harness and quite literally leaping your way into a workout that will have your heart racing, your body laughing and your strength growing in leaps and bounds.
Bungee was the catapult to a 52 pound weight loss, but more importantly it was the first time I had had fun moving in years.
After spending time traveling the country testing the best equipment and studios, I began adding modalities.
-Mini Trampoline (Rebounding)
-Kangoo Jumps
-Yoga and Aerial Yoga
And, I combined these methods into Bounce.
Every method works to build strength, increase flexibility and most importantly to do it while having the time of your life.
Contrary to popular opinion, these classes shouldn’t be a novelty in your workout. You really can change your body and have a blast in the process!
As the founder, my mission is to create a safe space for women to workout in. I am here to make fitness fun again. These walls build confidence help women create
the best versions of themselves and change their lives for the better.